The secret untitled festival, as it was called, started as a gathering of friends, invited by Antoine Viviani, with no real program except sharing surprises, inspiration and cinephilia.
The rules of the first edition were simple. Every night, one of the guests had to propose a staged event, which could be the screening of a film, a concert, an installation.
The festival ended with a procession. The wooden cinema screens that had been used during the week we brought to the village, where the bells of the church rang to annonce a screening and a bal.
Nils Bouaziz, Gaspar Claus, Antoine Coulmeau, Fabien Danesi, Thierry De Peretti, Mati Diop, Pierre-Edouard Dumora, Pierre-Alain Giraud, Daniel Hui, Vincent Moon, Sara Rastegar, Antoine Thirion, Antoine Viviani, Sarah Wien Yishan,
Catalogue (PDF)